
PayGate Agent ››
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Supported Operating Systems

Operating System

Minimum required service pack


Windows Vista


Windows 7


Windows 8


Windows 8.1


Windows 10

Windows Server 2008


Windows Server 2008 R2


Windows Server2012


Windows Server 2012 R2


Windows Server 2016


The PayGate Agent is compatible with both 32bit (x86) and 64bit (x64) versions of the above Windows operating systems.

Hardware Requirements

Typical requirements are as follows:

RAM:                512MB

Disk Space:        10GB Free space

Software Prerequisites

Microsoft's .net framework version 4 is required to run the PayGate Agent.  The installer will attempt to detect this version and will try to download and install it if it is missing.  Please ensure an internet connection is available if you intend to let the installer automatically download the .net framework.

Alternatively you can download the framework install from Microsoft and install it prior to running the PayGate Enterprise Agent installer.

Installation Process

The PayGate Agent is installed using the MSI file 'PaygateEntAgnt.exe'.  This file is available from The PayGate Technical Service team at PayGate.

Run the PaygateEntAgnt.exe file.  The installation requires a user with administrator level account privileges.   If required the installer will request elevated privileges from the user via the standard ACL mechanism.

Running the installer will open the Agent set-up application.  Read the software licence agreement and, if acceptable, tick the agreement box and click Install to continue.  

If the installer detects that the .net framework 4 is not installed on the host PC it will automatically download it and install it.  This step is skipped if the .net framework 4 is already installed.

Next the Agent application is installed.  Click Next to start the process.

Please read our software licence agreement and if it is acceptable click the box and click Next to continue.

Next you are given the chance to choose an alternate installation folder.  In most cases the default folder should be used.  Click Next to continue.

Click Install to continue.

The various installation files will be copied to your selected folder.

After installation the PayGate Agent services will start immediately.  The installation process does not normally require a reboot.