Provided you have permission to create a new user, clicking the "Admin - Create User" menu option displays the page shown below.
User Details
You need an available user keycode when you want to add a new user.
If you don't have any user keycodes left then the error message, "Error 5300-0006: There are no Users keycodes remaining." will be shown at the top of the page.
Please contact to get more keycodes.
User Name
This is the username the user needs to login to PayGate.
This should be their email address to ensure a unique username.
When this has been entered the "Email Address" field will be automatically set to the entered username.
This will be the user's login password which must conform to the password policy.
The only restriction on a password is that it must contain at least 7 characters.
Confirm Password
This must match the password entered in the previous field.
Email Address
Mandatory field which should match the username when a new user is created.
First Name
Optional field showing the user's first name.
Last Name
Optional field showing the user's last name.
Optional field showing the user's department.
Mobile Phone No.
This is required if a user will be requesting security codes via SMS to approve payments.
Individual Item Limit
PayGate can limit the amount of an individual payment item this user can process when creating a new submission.
Set to a default of £0 means there is no limit for an individual item up to the BACS and Faster Payment limits of
£20 million and £100,000 respectively.
Submission Limit
PayGate can limit the maximum amount of an entire submission which this user can create.
Set to a default of £0 means there is no limit.
Approval Limit
This is the maximum submission or payment amount that a user can approve. This only applies if the payment approval policy is set to "Custom Behaviour".
Set to a default of £0 means there is no limit.
Default Group
Only those groups where the selected user has the "Create" role will be listed in this dropdown. You can optionally select a default group for a user.
This means that when they create a new submission this default group will be selected automatically.
This can be changed if needed.
USB Token Type
If your users commit payments using a USB token then the type of token must be selected.
The default value is "None" since not everyone will use a USB token.
The "SafeNet eToken Pro" is a blue plastic USB token.
The "Gemalto SEG" is a chunky black USB token.
Send Action Email
When this is selected, the user will receive an email informing them when they have an action which requires their attention.
User Approved
The default setting is to have this selected. When de-selected the user won't be able to login to PayGate.
One reason to de-select this would be if a user has changed department on a temporary basis so isn't allowed to use PayGate for a while.
NB. If a user has left your company permanently then you should just delete the user.
User Roles
Clicking on the "User Roles" tab allows you to assign or remove roles to or from a user.
For a new user, the "User" role is automatically assigned since this role is required to login to PayGateOnline.
Unassigned Roles
These are the roles which can still be assigned to a user.
To add roles to a user, select one or more unassigned roles and click the ">" button.
The selected roles will move from "Unassigned Roles" to "Current Roles".
Current Roles
These are the roles which are assigned to a user.
To remove roles from a user, select one or more current roles and click the "<" button.
The selected roles will move from "Current Roles" to "Unassigned Roles".
Save User
Click the "Save User" button to save any changes.
If the save is successful the confirmation message "New user account has been saved." will be displayed at the top of the page.