Create Group

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Provided you have permission to create a new group, clicking the "Admin - Create Group" menu option displays the page shown below.

You need an available group licence when you want to add a new group.
If you don't have any group licences left then  an error message will be shown at the top of the page.

Please contact to get more group licences.

Select a Group Type
The group type is essentially the payment type e.g. BACS.
The list of available group types depends on which payment types your company has purchased.
This help page assumes that a Group Type of "BACS" has been chosen.

Group Details

The Group Details tab is shown below.

Group Name
The "Group Name" must be unique.
You will receive an error message if you change the name to one which matches another one of your groups when you attempt to save the group.

Group Description
This is an optional field to provide more details about the group.

Import Schema
When creating a new submission, the payment file being imported must be in a format specified by the "Import Schema".

The possible values are:

A mapping must be linked to the group if the "Custom" import schema option is selected.

An additional dropdown is displayed in this instance so you can select the correct mapping for this group.

Group Bank Account
This is necessary if the originating bank details are needed to create the payment data.
E.g. A group with an import schema of "Legacy" will need to set a bank account because a file in Legacy format doesn't contain the originating bank details, only the destination bank details.

NB. PayGate currently enforces you to select an originating bank account regardless of the import schema.

Click the "View" button next to the bank account dropdown to show the details of the selected bank account.

Default Workflows
For BACS submissions there are 4 steps, Create, Sign, Approve and Submit.

The workflows allow some steps to be chained together so that after completing a step the user will automatically be taken to the action for the following step provided they have that role in the group.

Workflow 1 shows that each step is separate meaning that after the Create, Sign and Approve steps are complete the user is returned to the Action List page.
After the Submit step, the submission summary is displayed.

Workflow 2 shows that the Create and Sign steps are separate but the Approve and Submit steps are chained together.
This means that after the final approval, if that user has the Submit role for the group, then they will automatically navigate to the Send Submission page.
NB. The difference between an approval and final approval is discussed below in the Approval Settings section.

Workflow 3 shows that the Sign and Approve steps are chained together.
This means that after signing, if that user has the Approve role for the group, then they will automatically navigate to the Approve Submission page.

Workflow 4 shows that the Create and Sign steps are chained together.
This means that after creating a submission, if that user has the Sign role for the group, then they will automatically navigate to the Sign Submission page.

Workflow 5 shows that the Create and Sign steps are chained together as are the Approve and Submit steps.
This means that after creating a submission, if that user has the Sign role for the group, then they will automatically navigate to the Sign Submission page.
Also after the final approval, if that user has the Submit role for the group, then they will automatically navigate to the Send Submission page.

Custom workflows don't apply to BACS submissions but is shown here for completeness.
For some other payment types e.g. SWIFT, the selected custom workflow would be run after the final approval.

Group Users
Click on the "Group Users" tab to manage which users are linked to the group and which roles the user has within that group.

Since a new group is being created all your users currently setup to use PayGate will be shown in the "Non-Group Users" selector box.

Non-Group Users
This box contains your users who are not linked to the selected group yet.
To add users to your group select one or more users and click the ">" button.
The selected users will be removed from the "Non-Group Users" box and shown in the "Group Users" box.

Group Users
This box contains your users who are linked to the selected group.
To remove users from your group select one or more users and click the "<" button.
The selected users will be removed from the "Group Users" box and shown in the "Non-Group Users" box.

Selected User's Group Roles
Selecting a user from the "Group Users" box will show their group roles for the selected group.

There are a number of steps required to create a submission and send it to relevant processing centre e.g. BACS.
The different roles are described below.




If a user has this role for a group then the group will be available on the create submission page.


User has permission to add payments before running pre-sub validation.


User has permission to edit imported payments before running pre-sub validation.
User can also set all payment amounts to zero.


User has permission to delete imported payments before running pre-sub validation.


User will be able to sign a submission with a BACS smartcard or via the HSM assuming it's a BACS


User can approve a submission.

Approve own submission

When a user has this role they can approve a submission they have created.
For security reasons it may be preferable that a user can create and sign a submission but not
approve it so at least 2 people must be involved in the process.
In this case a user should only be given the "Approve" role.


User can send a submission to BACS.

Collect Reports

Users with this role can collect reports from the payment processing centre e.g. collect BACS

Group Administrator

The group administrator can make any changes to a group including user's roles in the group.
At least one user must be a group administrator.

NB. The above roles are on a group by group basis e.g. A user may be the group administrator for one group but no others
or a user can create submissions in some groups but not all groups.

File Selection Options
There are three alternatives for how a user selects a file to upload to PayGate.

Browser Dialog
This is the default option. When a user clicks the "Select Submission File" button the default browser file selection dialog will be displayed which allows
the user to select a file from their local file system.

FTP Server Dialog
Some customers have the "PayGate Agent" tool installed on one of their computers which automatically uploads files to a unique customer specific location
on the PayGate server.

The default file upload directory shown below means that when a user selects a file it will show files in the customer's main file upload directory.

There is an option to specify a sub-folder in the customers upload directory e.g. "/Accounts" which means that the user will only see files that were uploaded
to the "Accounts" sub-folder within their file upload directory. This means that sensitive payment information such as payroll data can only be seen by
users with permission to do so.

Restricted Path
An additional user group setting is the use of a restricted file browser which means that a user must select a file for import from a pre-set UNC path.  If the "User cannot browse sub-folders" checkbox is also selected the user cannot select a file from any sub-folders below the UNC path. This is shown below.

NB. To use the restricted file browser the PayGate Plugin must be installed on the user's computer and is currently only compatible with Internet Explorer.

*Important note: You must click the "Save Group" button at the bottom of the page to save any user role changes along with other group changes.

Payment Type Details
There are additional group details which are dependant upon the type of payments linked to the selected group.
As this example is for a BACS group the "BACS Details" tab is displayed.

Service User Number (SUN)
A SUN is a 6 digit number used by BACS to identify organisations when submitting payments.
NB. Your company could have more than 1 SUN.

Payment Signing Method
This determines how a submission linked to this group will be signed. The options are "HSM" or "Smart Card".

A smart card will be issued by your bank is usually allocated to a single user to sign a submission. This is BACS specific and the card must be registered with BACS.

The HSM holds details of a security certificate issued by your bank.

Individual Item Limit
PayGate can limit the amount of an individual payment item this group can process when creating a new submission.
Set to a default of £0 means there is no limit for an individual item up to the BACS and Faster Payment limits of £20 million and £100,000 respectively.

Submission Limit
PayGate can limit the maximum amount of an entire submission which this group can create.
Set to a default of £0 means there is no limit.

Is Indirect Submitter Group
Creating a submission for an indirect submitter group means that as far as users are concerned the approval stage is the final step in the submission process.
After the approval the submission is "pending" i.e. waiting to be submitted via a workflow.

Allow File Level Signing
This option is not usually required and is also only relevant if your company submits on behalf of your own customers.
It gives the option of using a smart card to sign part of the submission at the creation stage on behalf of one of your customers.

Delete Payment Data
When this option is selected, the imported payment data is deleted from the database after the payments have been submitted.
While it may be considered more secure to not have your data stored permanently the downside is that searching for previous submissions won't be as effective.

Approval Settings
This tab will be shown if the payment approval policy is set to "Custom Behaviour". See the relevant help page regarding the security policy.
For a new group the options will default to those set in the payment approval policy.

Set Number of Approvers
The default is to set how many approvers are required to approve a submission for this group.
This is set by selecting the "Number of Approvers" option.

The other option is to set approval ranges so the number of approvers required depends on the total submission amount as shown below.

When the payment approval policy is "Custom Behaviour" a check is made at the signing step to ensure there are enough users who can approve the submission.
Some approvers may not be eligible to approve a submission if their approval limit is below the submission amount.

Create Group
Click the "Save Group" button to save any changes.
If the save is successful the confirmation message "New group has been saved." will be displayed at the top of the page.